Helpful Tips To Avoid Problems When Using Social Media & Messaging After Filing An Auto Accident Claim

According to an AT&T survey, 7 out of 10 people drive while using their smartphone, and many of them used social media networking sites. Even more startling is that a researcher found that people spend as much as 60% of their time looking at their smartphones while driving instead of at the road. Using social media while behind the wheel is considered distracted driving and can easily lead to an accident.

If you've been involved in an accident caused by someone who you believe was actively using their smartphone to access social media, take selfies, or send text messages, you should speak with an attorney to initiate an investigation on the negligent driver and their habits. Ironically, however, your social media usage and private life may also come into question. Here's what to avoid.

Do not post anything about the accident on social media

Completely avoid posting anything about the accident on social media. Particularly, you want to avoid disparaging the at-fault driver or saying anything that could be deemed as threatening. Also, do not in any way say anything that could be misconstrued as guilt or admission to having any part in the causation of the accident. The insurance companies and lawyer for the at-fault driver may attempt to use anything you post against you. The insurance company and lawyer may also look for posts and signs that your injuries may not be as severe as you are claiming them to be.

Lock up the security settings on all social media accounts

The best way to avoid any potential problems regarding your social media accounts is to stop using them altogether, but given that many people use social media today as a way to stay connected to family and friends, you may not feel that is feasible. An alternative is to lock up the security settings on all of your social media accounts so only those you've given permission to view your posts can see your posts.

Keep a watchful eye on your messaging

Another thing to do is to keep a watchful eye on your messaging and messaging requests. Be wary of everyone who contacts you via messaging on social media. If they ask questions regarding the accident, kindly say that you need to refrain from answering while there is an open case. The reason for this is because imposters can spoof identities of those who are on your friends lists. Avoid messaging using SMS services as well, since they can also be spoofed by nefarious people.

If you believe that you are being stalked on social media or someone has contacted you by spoofing, contact your personal injury attorney immediately. For more information, contact an attorney from a local firm like Walsh & Associates, PC
